Friday, June 10, 2011

Couple's Appreciation Day

So apparently today is Couples Appreciation Day.

Normally I wouldn't give two cents and a can of paint about such a day, but considering I've just entered a new relationship, I care for some strange reason.

I don't want my blogs to be all mushy gushy talking about my love life, although my love life and very often sex life can be very entertaning. However, I do want to take this time out to talk about the appreciation of being in a relationship.

Often times when I've been in a relationship I say I care about that person and I enjoy the time I get to spend with them, but very rarely do I actually think about how much I truly appreciate what I have with that person.

From being in this new relationship, I've definitely grown to appreciate him whole heartedly because I now see that the crap relationships I was in before were just that...crap!

Being able to not only care about someone, but enjoying every single millisecond you spend with that person is something that is worth appreciating. Being able to not only share common interest with someone, but also knowing that when you go off on a tangent about something they have no concern with that they still listen as if they care, is something that is worth appreciating. Understanding that the other person likes you for you, but also understanding that they've had other people try to deter them from being with you by bringing up your best but they still didn't care, is something that is worth appreciating. Loving the fact that they not only like your family, but they're willing to spend time with your family when you're not around is something worth being appreciated. In addition to trusting someone no matter who they hang out with, but also having them trust you especially after they've seen an ex IM or text you is something worth appreciating.

If you haven't figured it out yet, this is stuff that I've dealt with with the person I'm with now. And I just wanted to take the time out to tell him that I appreciate him.

Beyond relationships, in the last couple of weeks I've grown to realize how much I truly appreciate other people in my life.

I'll be the first to admit that I've had a crazy past, ie my childhood, teenage years and especially college years. But just recently I've been able to sit back and think about all the people that have stuck by me no matter what. Even though I may have acted like a bitch, snapped out a couple of times, did some things that are embarassing and could ruin any one person's reputation, I still had people in my corner that know the real me and stood by me regardless.

You know who you are because I'm sure I've told you before, but I'm going to say it again, I appreciate you.

The reason why many friendships and relationships don't last these days is because people don't take the time to appreciate what they have with someone, or what someone has done for them. Rather its been being there for that person, putting up with that person's crap or providing for them, people dont appreciate. If people were to compare what they've got, to what they once had and to what other people don't have, they would realize that things in their life could be a lot worst without that someone.

So my mission for you today is to randomly choose 5 people in your life.

Go ahead, randomly think of five people, no matter who they are!

Stop reading and choose those people now!

Ok, now I want you to make a list, mentally or physically, of what they've done for you, how they've been there for you, what they've put up for you, what they've given up for you and they're willingness to make sure your happy. Then compare that to some other people in your past that you're no longer friendly with.

Finally, go tell those people that you appreciate them and all that they do. Because without them, you wouldn't be who you are today.

Happy Couple's Appreciation Day!

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